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PX4 Offboard Navigation with Python and ROS2
00 Intro and Requirements
00-01 Introduction to PX4 Offboard Control (2:32)
00-02 Why SITL is Important (2:49)
00-03 Installing Development Tools (3:46)
01 Project Setup
01-01 Clone DEXI Repo (3:47)
01-02 Launching PX4 SITL with Docker (5:24)
01-03 Reviewing PX4 SITL Workflow (2:42)
02 Offboard w/ SITL
02-01 Params Overview (3:37)
02-02 Flight Modes Overview (6:31)
02-03 Analyze Tools (3:01)
02-04 Disable QGC Failsafe (2:44)
00-02 Why SITL is Important
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